Enjoying life a little adventure at a time.
From the very beginning, wildlife has always been part of Forest Days.
Sometimes, whether we gladly agreed to it, or not.
That’s the Law of Nature.
And our Field Trips, will help you to stay in touch with its wildest side.
Those of you who’ve stayed in our camps, may remember encounters with the naughty Fox, who loves to steal unattended shoes left outside the tents at night, just to chew them playfully and abandon them, to be found later.
Or the stubborn Wild Boars, rooting the site paths in search of buried delicious morsels, and disrupting, along the way, any resemblance of order - an all too human trait indeed.

Marble Galls
(by Andricus Kollari)
From young Roe Deer scratching its winter, velvety coat against tree bark, to busy frantic bees looking to cover every possible hole with mud, or restless squirrels munching voraciously, juicy pinecones.
Every single creature leaves its mark and makes its presence felt in the forest.
It’s impossible to enjoy a stay in the forest, and not be touched, in some form, by the magnificence of it all.
The Forest, as a whole, is an environment that conveys respect and delight in equal measure, and as you get to know its rhythms and its inhabitants, you can’t help but learn to fall in love with it.
That has been our journey.
All these occurrences, albeit often unexpected and sometimes impacting our daily work, still make us smile cheerfully, mainly because we are well aware that the true “visitors” here, in this beautiful untouched forest of the Catalan Pyrenees, is us, not them.
There’s something truly moving and extremely humbling about being able to watch a wild creature going happily about its business, its daily toil to keep alive, fed and protect its offspring, no matter how big or small.
That’s something we can all relate to as human beings.

Red Deer Antler

Ant Family: Formicidae

European Toad
(Bufo bufo)
We are deeply in love with this place and all its creatures, great and small, with this forest and these mountains, where we feel incredibly lucky to live and work.
And we would be delighted to share that journey and love with you, so you can take this deep appreciation, wherever you go.
Welcome to your fun and exciting journey
of adventure and learning.

Peacock Butterfly
(Aglais io)

Brimstone Butterfly
(Gonepteryx rhamni)

“Those who observe, get to know;
Those who know, love;
Those who love; protect.”
Jordi Sabater Pi
1922 - 2009
Catalan primatologist and worldwide specialist in ethology, the study of animal behavior.
Forest Days'
Become a Naturalist for a few hours,
with the company of an expert.

Imagine walking gently into the mighty forest from your own camp here at Forest Days, for a nature walk that will reveal all its secrets.
Or being taken high up in the mountain to get up close with the incredible Griffon Vultures.
Our resident Naturalist walks with you, sharing patiently all his knowledge, his observations, his thoughts and helping you see the forest and the mountains through his keenly trained eyes.
Out of love and respect for nature, naturalists spend hours calmly observing what most of us, in our rushed and sometimes desensitized lives, vitally miss.
This enhanced understanding of what surrounds you, will help you rediscover the beauty of really simple but truly fascinating things, right in front of you.
With this knowledge, whenever you are in the mountains or deep inside the forest, you will not only look and hear, but see and listen more deeply.

(Vulpes vulpes)
Forest Days & Photo Logistics
Forest Days has teamed up with the awesome people of Photo Logistics, an experienced team of biologists, nature photographers and naturalists, organizers of some of the most highly regarded photographic safaris in the international birdwatching scene.
Their network of local guides and hides, is one of the best and biggest in Europe, and if you are an avid birdwatcher, or know somebody who is!, do not miss having a good look at their website.
This team of professional guides, with their deep knowledge of the local Pyrenean fauna, will offer you an experience hard to forget.
See nature as you’ve never seen it: Through the eyes of a wild creature.

Large Blue
(Phengaris arion)
Forest Days'
Be a Ranger for a day
Live the excitement of feeding a pack of wild raptor birds and watch them enjoy their feast.
10:00 am
Catalan, English
or Spanish
LOCATION: This activity will take place at Photo Logistics’ hide in the mountains, aprox. 45’ min drive from Forest Days.
Total time: approximately 2'5 hours.
Time in the Hide: 30 to 40 mins.
80 Euros per adult.
Children supplement: 10 Euros per child.
(minimum of 2 adults required)

A mini Guide “Ocells Rapinyaires de Catalunya” is included in your briefing folder. (just bird's names in English)
Please note: This activity takes place once a day only, for a maximum of 2 camps at a time, travelling in separate cars.

Egiptian Vulture
(Neophron percnopterus)

(Gypaetus barbatus)

Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)

Forest Days'
The Forest's fun surprises
Be patient.
Be quiet and listen.
And be prepared to be surprised by unexpected sights, sounds and details.
08:00 to 10:00 h
10:00 to 12:00 h
18:00 to 20:00 h
Easy to Moderate
Catalan, English
or Spanish
LOCATION: Forest Days' own Forest.
This walk will start from your own camp, from where you’ll be picked up by our resident Naturalist.
2 hours.
TBC Euros for 2 adults.
Children supplement: TBC Euros per child.
Please note: This is a private walk, and you will not share it with anyone outside your camp or your group.
We are currently preparing this Field Trip with the Photo Logistics' team.
You will look for signs of the animals which we share the forest with and get a better understanding of all the things that live and grow in it.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we are having fun preparing it.
Stay Tuned!

Roe Deer Tracks
Red Squirrel with summer coat
(Sciurus Vulgaris)
Great Tit
(Parus Major)

“Happy as a piggie in a puddle!”
Have a blast watching playful wild boars and graceful roe deer at our Forest pond.
Join us for some fascinating viewing on our new WILDLIFE YouTube Channel

in detail:
Enhance your stay at Forest Days with a deep, nurturing experience.

Field Trip #1
Getting up close with the Griffon Vulture, high up in the mountains.
During your stay at Forest Days it is possible you will observe large birds, majestically circling high in thermals over the forest.
The most common are the Griffon Vultures.
This field trip from Forest Days gives you the amazing opportunity to get up close and personal with these amazing wild birds and observe them feeding in their natural habitat, high up in the mountains.
Your guide from Photo Logistics will take you to a special feeding area where they also maintain a hide.
You'll be able to observe up close the boisterous Griffon Vultures, and if you're lucky, the funny looking EgyptianVulture and the majestic and extremely rare Lammergeier.
Often a cheeky fox patrols the site in search of morsels and disturbs the feasting - make sure you don't miss her!
This is a spectacular experience in a stunningly beautiful setting and will help you appreciate those big birds you often see flying around Forest Days on your return.
The Briefing:
You will be seeing truly wild animals and some of these birds are classified as endangered species, like the Lammergeier, so you must follow the indications of your guide at all times.
At 10:00 am an initial briefing with your guide will take place at Forest Days' meeting point.
You will travel in convoy, following the guide's car with your own vehicle, till you reach the feeding station at the hide location in the mountains.
For the final approach to the hide, you will travel in the guide's car for the last few hundred meters.
Once there, be observant of your guide’s signals and avoid making sudden moves or loud noises. Avoid dressing in bright colours, if possible.
You will be given the choice to remain in the hide in close proximity to the birds, by yourself, or be driven a few hundred meters away to the observation point, in the company of the guide, where optical aids, such as binoculars and telescopes will be prepared for you to enjoy the spectacle.
Once the feed is on display, if you're not staying inside the hide you must board the guide's car at his signal and abandon the feeding station immediately.
If you’re staying inside the hide: You must not exit the hide, under any circumstances, during the feeding time. You must wait inside, till your guide arrives to pick you up.
Note on the Weather: The trip will take place rain or shine and will only be cancelled in the most extreme of weather, so you should bring waterproofs in case of rain.

Chalk Hill Blue
(Polyommatus coridon)
How do I book it ?
You must have a stay booked at Forest Days in order to enjoy this field trip.
To book it, please complete the request form below.
Once we confirm the availability on the day you request the field trip, we will add this to your booking and confirm to you that your field trip has been arranged.
Only when you receive our confirmation will the activity be added to the balance of your booking.

Field Trip #2
A gentle walk from your camp, will unravel the Forest's deepest secrets.
We are currently preparing, along with the Photo Logistics naturalist, a fascinating and exciting walk through the forest here at Forest Days.
You will be led on this walk directly from your camp and discover the secrets of the forest that surrounds you.
You will look for signs of the animals which we share the forest with and get a better understanding of the trees and plants which grow there.
We are sure you will finish your walk with a new respect and appreciation of the place you are staying in.

Emerald Swallowtail
(Papilio palinurus)
SouthEast Asia

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